Monday, November 21, 2016

Time to Learn

Liberal politicians and political pressure groups have expressed outrage over Trump's transition government-in-waiting. Socialists who supported the Sanders campaign are talking resistance and civil disobedience. Whatever you choose to do, take time to learn, and think about it.

1.For activist scholars focused on resistance development, two books provide insight on the topic:

Norwegian Resistance 1940-1945 by Tore Gjelsvik (operations and infrastructure)
A Quiet Revolution by Mary Elizabeth King (strategic opposition, education)

2.For those oriented toward understanding social movement development:

Analyzing Social Settings by John Lofland
To the Right by Jerome Himmelstein

3.For society in conflict:

Civil Wars by Hans Magnus Enzensberger (selflessness and self-destruction)
The Fall of Yugoslavia by Misha Glenny (communications and narrative dominance)

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