Sunday, October 07, 2012
Corrosion of Press Protections
As noted at Libya 360 Archive and discussed at Viva Libya, American and British journalists in Libya prior to the NATO bombings last year served as informants for NATO. While some may not see the significance of reporters from the AP, BBC, CNN and Fox working as agents or spies for an invasion force, others might rightly ask how reporters and correspondents in the future are to be protected from military violence when they can legitimately -- due to the misbehavior of these news organizations -- be suspected of helping to overthrow the countries they are reporting from.
After all the protections put in place since the second world war for news and relief agencies, those have all now been recklessly swept aside in the interest of US/EU imperialism.
After all the protections put in place since the second world war for news and relief agencies, those have all now been recklessly swept aside in the interest of US/EU imperialism.